
Friday, November 1, 2013

"Pegi privatelah !!"

Bile baca topic ni..mesti korang ingat aku or other doctors yang cakap mcm ni kt pt kan? actually happened the other way round.

Sebelum aku cite...aku nak gelak dgn terbahak2 dulu....Hahahaaaaaaaa..
One day, about a year 1 elderly chinese lady masuk bilik aku.
Aku : Ye auntie [nama]..ape sakit hari ni ?
** Instead of asking like that..actually better/should ask this way.. Encik/Puan, ape boleh saya bantu? Or what can I do for you today? Tapi, pt often looking back at me..with weird stare when I did asked like that. So, I was just thought that may not be a proper way in asking about their illness. So, Dr. Shikin..just forget it ! Yeah..forget it! (But, to some extent mmg kene ask that way..becoz some of the patients come not only during illness. Nowadays, they are more aware on doing CVD screening ..or they do come for Medical Check-up, for review blood results or sputum AFB, C&S results. Some only come to seek for opinion/ sugesstion on supplement they should take..)

Panjang pulak membebel..
Ok, back to the story..
Once dah tanya cenggitu...berjela-jelalah masalah yang keluar. Dari hujung rambut sampai hujung kaki.. Pulak tu, cerita tu diulang lagi..dan lagi..dan lagi...Alamak, bile auntie ni nak stop ni? Kad patient dah makin bertimbun dalam bilik aku. Aku try stop kan byk, x berjaya. Aku dh explain pykt die ...bla..bla..bla...bla....
And at last...

Aku : Auntie, you ada apa masalah lagi mau beritau saya ke? Itu pt dekat luar sudah ramai ma..sudah lama tunggu.. Nanti, diorang masuk...diorang confirm marah saya ma..bukan you..

Auntie : Bising2 pegi privatelah !!

Aku : Errkkk... (Alolo...sedap betul die cakap camtu. Rase2 nye sape yg kene gi private kat sini?)
You all..dekat private hospital tu janganlah berani cakap lame2..every air liur doktor yang kluar tu you all kene bayar tau..(consultation).

- u ols tau kan..knape lame sgt doktor tu tgk sensorang patient. Kalau sehari jumpe 3 orang camni pon dah boleh ruin the doctor's day tau..especially yang low stress threshold cam aku ni. Tapi, x dinafikan, mmg ade certain patient yang mmg kene tengok in details. It depends...
- Paling x boleh tahan..patient yang suke ajak berborak.. " Doktor org mane? Tggal mane? Dah kawin? Anak berapa? Dulu grad mane? Suami keje ape? " ... and so on & so forth.....Kalau pt x ramai tu ok lagi. Tapi, mase2 ni lah kitorg nak buat surat rujukan lah, medical report, discuss case dgn FMS through phone (jgn igt kitorg tgh berborak kt phone ek..X penahnye wat camtu.. Bergayut ngan Pakar @ FMS adelah)
For Sputum AFB x3, FBC,  ESR.

Dah 2 Jumaat aku dok dalam Bilik 12 ni. Pakar aku cuti..mak die sakit. So aku lego jelah bilik die..Bukan ape..senang aku nak assess bebudak slow learner tu.. (kene melompat2 ngan bebudak ni tau tak mase assess tu..berdiri sebelah kaki sambil tutup mata etc)


  1. hahah sepatutnya untie tu la kena p private clinic kan lawak la..

  2. biasalah tu.. biasanya oarang macam nilah yang buatkan hari-hari kita nih berwarna-warni


Enjoy your reading.
And please come again next time.
~ Dr. Shikin @ Nazeck ~